Storytelling and Music performances are available for all ages, students, adults, communities.

Trickster Stories from The Bahamas, the Caribbean, Africa and America.
This program is perfect for elementary age school age children, K to 6. Children are introduced to B'Rabby, the Bahamian trickster, Anansi the spider of West Africa, Ti Malice of Haiti and others. Derek uses music and lots of participation in this program to encourage children to get involved in storytelling.
Elementary school

Family and community performances.

Come sit and listen to stories as Derek tells folktales, sings songs and encourages parents to tell each other stories. This program is highly participatory and fun for the whole family.

Stories and music for Adult audiences
This program is designed for adult audiences using stories, Caribbean songs and humor for a view into Island life in contrast to City life. Derek tells personal tale of his island experiences in stories filled with pathos and humor.

Stories of Immigration
In this program Derek talks about his immigration to America and tells stories of the immigrant experiences of others. He uses stories and songs to help students think about these issues. The material covered is dependent on the age of the audience. Stories range from "The Long March", looking at the Trail of Tears to stories of the Spanish Jews forced to leave Spain in 1492, to voluntary immigration of people looking for new lands.

Grades 3 through High School.

Myths and Legends
Myths and Legends from a number of cultures are told accompanied by musical instruments. From early myths of the Mayas and Incas to Persephonie and Demeter this program is designed to bring these stories to life for students. Included in this program is the legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
3rd grade and up

Part 1 of a performance of Sir Gawain
and the Green Knight


Medieval Program

This program presents audience members with music and stories of Medieval times, tales from the Arabian Knights to Stories of King Arthur's court.
Derek often accompanies his telling with medieval music that he sings and plays on Spanish medieval bagpipe, Turkish long neck lute, medieval lute, psaltery and flute.
4th grade and up.

Mirror of Race - Stories that deal with issues of Race and Ethnicityderek

This program uses stories both personal and from literature and folklore to encourage audiences to think about issues of race. For middle school audiences this program uses early photographic images - Daguerreotypes - to generate discussion. htMiddle and High school

Stories of Slavery and Freedom
This program tells the true stories of slaves in America as well as conjure tales, stories written to talk about the evils of slavery. From the story of Ellen Craft to Frederick Douglass these stories examine the human spirit from slavery to freedom.
For 4th grade to High School

Stories of Survival and the Environment
Derek tells folktales from Rain Forests around the world. These stories of animals and creatures help motivate audiences to think of the environment and our need to protect it. Elementary and Middle school

Reflecting Stories: How We Respond to AIDS.
This program is for an an adult audience and uses folktales and interwoven with contemporary narrative to help audiences reflect on this issue facing our communities today. The performance is followed by a discussion.
Middle to High School

derekguitarMusic Program
This performance traces music from Medieval times to the present. Derek, a professional musician and a graduate of Berklee College of Music presents a program using lute, guitar, flutes, medieval bagpipe and psaltery, among other instruments to introduce students to music and styles of various periods. Classical and flamenco guitar features prominently in this program including caribbean songs songs from various cultures.
3rd grade and up

For bookings email: or call 617 275 4244